
Lesson 4: mercredi 25 mai 2022

Lo: to use adjectives to describe the seasons.

Year 5 sang their song of the half term,all about the seasons. They revised colours and the weather. After that they learnt some new adjectives to describe the seasons, identifying which ones were opposites.They then wrote different adjectives to describe each season.


Lesson 3: mercredi 18 mai 2022

Lo: to use colours to describe the seasons

Year 5 sang their song : Les Quatres Saisons and revised the weather, season vocabulary and colours. They then listened to excerpts from Vivaldi’s Four Seasons. Whilst the listened they chose colours which represent each season and wrote them down in a table, in preparation for using them to describe the seasons.


Lesson 2: mercredi 11 mai 2022

Lo: to say and write what the weather is like in each season

Year 5 revised the seasons and how to say the different weather phrases. They then practised the actions that go along with the phrases. They then used pictures and a given sentence structure to help them write a sentence for each season. they also sang the Four seasons song.


Lesson 1: mercredi 4 mai 2022

Year 5 started a new topic: Les Quatre Saisons. They revised the months of the year and numbers to 31. They practised saying their date of birth. They learnt the names of the seasons. They then said and wrote sentences stating when their date of birth and in which season their birthday is. They learnt a new song about the Four seasons. They then added images to a labelled season circle.


Pâques: mercredi 27 avril 2022

Lo: to find out about how the French celebrate Easter

Year 5 found out about how the French celebrate Easter. They then used a bilingual dictionary and their knowledge of colours to help them write an Easter poem using similes.


Lesson 5 :mercredi 6 avril 2022

Lo: to be a language detective

Year 5 used dictionaries and their knowledge of French so far to be a language detective. They highlighted words they knew and used a dictionary to find out new words. They then looked at a poem, called The recipe for a beach with the emphasis on imperative verbs. They then used this to fill in the words to write their own recipe.


Lesson 4: mercredi 23 mars 2022

Lo: to write descriptive sentences

Year 5 sang their song, played a game of noughts and crosses to practise sentence structures and vocabulary. They then wrote simple sentences using a subject and verb. They then expanded these sentences by adding adjectives. They also noticed that adjectives like big and small are written before the noun whilst colours are written after the noun, unlike in English. They added small pictures reflecting the meaning of their sentences


Lesson 3: mercredi 16 mars 2022

Lo: to say and write sentences about a beach scene

Year 5 practised their song and beach scene vocabulary. They then identified, verbs, nouns and adjectives and their positions within a sentence written in French, noting that adjectives are positioned after the noun, unlike English. They then were introduced to some new verbs. They then matched sentence starters with a verb to write their own sentences. All of which were based on the Degas painting.


Lesson 2: mercredi 9 mars 2022

Lo: to use ‘est’ when describing a beach scene

Year 5 sang their song of the half term, Mon seau, ma pelle. They then revised colours and labelled and coloured in a beach scene. They then use the given sentence structure, using the verb ,’est’ to describe their individual beach scenes, making sure that they used the colours they had chosen in their sentences.


Lesson 1: mercredi 2 Mars 2022

Lo: to label a painting of a beach scene

Year 5 started a new topic, Scene de plage. They were introduced to new vocabulary, which could be identified in a painting of a beach scene by Degas. They then labelled a small image of the painting. They then played a game of noughts and crosses , practising their new vocabulary.